Residence Life Staff Reference Form If you are completing this form for a RLF/HA applicant, please complete it by January 18, 2024. If you are completing it for an RA applicant, please complete it by February 1, 2024Applicant's Name(Required) First Last Role Applicant is applying for(Required) Residence Life Facilitator (RLF) Housing Advisor (HA) Resident Advisor (RA) RLF: Through formal training workshops and one-on-one mentorship, Residence Life Facilitators will be equipped with tools and strategies that are needed to effectively mentor Residence Life Staff to foster a community where Christ is honoured, and academic success, mutual respect and personal development are key objectives. Each RLF will be responsible for leading a small group on a weekly basis to foster spiritual growth and encourage accountability, authenticity, and a healthy Redeemer community. RLFs will act as first responders in the event of an emergency or policy violation within the Redeemer residence community.HA: Housing Advisors (HAs) are upper year student leaders who live in on-campus housing and are responsible for facilitating Residence Life programming with students in their second year and beyond. HAs typically live outside of the residences they supervise. This inspires a deeper sense of independence for upper year students and provides HAs with the opportunity to establish healthy boundaries that enable them to be more intentional in developing and cultivating community for multiple dorms. HAs are well acquainted with the rhythms of university life and are equipped to support second year students as they navigate and settle into community. HAs desire to assist in the creation and cultivation of a community where Christ is honoured and academic success, mutual respect, and personal development are key objectives.RA:The Resident Advisor (RA) position is a student leadership position. Resident Advisors (RA) live in on-campus housing and are responsible for facilitating Residence Life programming with students in their first year. RAs live in the residence that they supervise. Under the direction and support of the Student Life staff, Residence Advisors are critical student leaders who assist in the creation and cultivation of a community where Christ is honoured and academic success, mutual respect, and personal development are key objectives.Your Information (the referee)Referee name(Required) First Last Referee email(Required) Referee Phone(Required)How long have you known the applicant?(Required) In what capacity have you known the applicant?(Required) Part A: Christian CommitmentPlease comment on this candidate's Christian journey(Required)In what ways has this applicant demonstrated an ability to give spiritual leadership to others?(Required)Part B: QualificationsPlease rate the candidate with respect to each of the characteristics listed below by choosing a number on the 7-point scale which most accurately represents their character.Industry and initiative(Required) 1 - Needs constant urging 2 3 4 - Self-Starter 5 6 7 - Does more than required CommentsResiliency(Required) 1 - Disengages during stress 2 3 4 - Sometimes overwhelmed 5 6 7 - Well balanced in difficulty CommentsEmpathy(Required) 1 - Indifferent to others 2 3 4 - Reasonably responsive 5 6 7 - Responds with unusual insight CommentsGroup Dynamics(Required) 1 - Frequently causes friction 2 3 4 - Prefers to work alone 5 6 7 - Highly effective in teamwork CommentsSocial skills(Required) 1 - Avoided by others 2 3 4 - Well-liked by others 5 6 7 - Sought out by others CommentsConfrontation skills(Required) 1 - Denies problems exist 2 3 4 - Addresses conflicts as they arise with support 5 6 7 - Confidently and proactively addresses conflict CommentsAdditional comments/explanationPart C: Growth AreasIdeally, a candidate for a Residence Life Staff (RLS) position would have the character traits of patience, teachability, confidence, hospitality, and balance. The opposite would be character traits such as impatience, arrogance, discouragement, frequently worried, exclusive, or perfectionist tendencies. Do you see any areas of growth for this potential candidate?(Required)Part D: Community Accountability & InvolvementIn what ways has this applicant demonstrated an ability and willingness to hold themselves accountable to university and employment policies?(Required)In what ways do you see them investing in campus/community life?(Required)Part E: Summary CommentsPlease answer the questions below and make any extra comments you feel would be helpfulWould you recommend this applicant for the RLS position they are applying for? (see descriptions listed at the start of this form) Yes No If no, please explain:(Required)